Dr. Mauro Moroni

Mauro Moroni




Emato Oncologico


Area di Competenza/Specialità:

Esperienza nell’ambito dell’immunoterapia dei tumori solidi (iniziale periodo di perfezionamento presso il Dipartimento di Malattie Neoplastiche del Mount Sinai Medical Center di New York, USA, nel 1992).

Esperienza nella diagnosi e cura delle neoplasie solide, in modo particolare dei tumori del colon-retto, dei tumori del polmone, dei tumori del distretto testa-collo e dei trattamenti dei tumori solidi con farmaci a target molecolare, in special modo con farmaci anti-EGFR (esperienza dapprima presso il Policlinico San Matteo fino al 1996, per un anno presso l’Ospedale Maggiore di Crema e quindi, dal 1998 al 2010 presso la Divisione di Oncologia Falck dell’Ospedale Niguarda di Milano). Nell’ambito di questi argomenti è autore di numerose pubblicazioni su riviste nazional e internazionali recensite, talvolta anche come autore principale.

Dal 2010 è Direttore della Divisione di Oncologia dell’Ospedale San Carlo Borromeo, e dal 2016 Direttore del Dipartimento di Onco-Ematologia dell’ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo di Milano, con compiti di coordinamento di personale con diverse competenze cliniche. Ha proseguito ad occuparsi in modo particolare del trattamento con immunoterapici e con farmaci a target molecolare dei tumori solidi.



Indirizzo: Via Pio II n° 3 - 20153 Milano

Telefono: 02. 4022.2119

Mail: mauro.moroni@asst-santipaolocarlo.it

Orario di ricevimento: Dalle 14:00 alle 15:00

Giorni di ricevimento: Tutti i mercoledì, preferibilmente previo appuntamento fissato con la segreteria della Divisione di Oncologia (tel 02.4022.2110 o e.mail seg.oncologia.hsc@asst-santipaolocarlo.it)


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Pubblicazioni scientifiche  correlate:

1. Porta C, Nastasi G, Spaghi A, Moroni M. Doxorubicin/methotrexate/fluorouracil in advanced pancreatic cancer. The Lancet i(336): 1454-5,1990  [Letter].
2. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Invernizzi R, Bobbio-Pallavicini E. Hypocholesterolemia and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Haematologica 76: 348, 1991 [Letter]. 
3. Nastasi G, Spaghi A, Porta C, Moroni M. Gastroenterite eosinofila. In: Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, Vol. II, Aggiornamento I, USES Ed. Sci., Firenze, 1991; pagg. 3291-
4. Gioglio L, Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Gangarossa I. Scrotal angiokeratoma (Fordyce): histopathological and ultrastructural findings. Histol Histopathol 7: 47-55, 1992.
5. Casagranda I, Beltrame M, Cosimi MF, Tommaselli F, Nastasi G, Moroni M, Porta C. Orbital involvement in multiple myeloma. Patologica 84: 1-5, 1992.
6. Casagranda I, Davio P, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Porta C. Infusione di immunoglobuline ad alte dosi in un caso di porpora trombocitopenica idiopatica. Minerva Med; 83: 1-4, 1992.
7. Santagati G, Nastasi G, Porta C, Moroni M, Santagati C, Casagranda I, Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Cosimi MF. Low doses of -2b interferon in the treatment of hairy cell leukemia: results of treatment and mean follow-up at 18 months in 13 patients. Patologica 84: 1-6, 1992.
8. Cosimi MF, Casagranda I, Porta C, Moroni M, Orsi R, Nastasi G. Correlación entre el grado de malignidad histológica y la positividad nuclear con la técnica de AgNOR en 6 casos de LNH óseos monolocalizados. Sangre 37: 399-402, 1992. 
9. Spaghi A, Nastasi G, Moroni M, Porta C. Tumori della regione testa-collo. In: Frati L, Notario A (Eds.) Terapia Oncologica. UTET, Torino, 1992; pagg. 499-528.
10. Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Porta C, Moroni M, Spaghi A, Casagranda I, Nastasi G. Folinic acid does improve 5-FU activity in vivo. Results of a phase-III study comparing 5-FU to 5-FU and folinic acid in advanced colon cancer patients. J Chemother 5: 52-5, 1993.
11. Porta C, Casagranda I, Semino G, Moroni M, Ratto C. Chronic myeloid leukaemia following cyclophosphamide-containing chemotherapy in a breast cancer patient. Haematologica 78: 56-7, 1993.
12. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Ricci G, Casagranda I. Anti-HCV antibodies and hepatocellular carcinoma. Relationship in a medium-risk population. Upsala J Med Sci 97: 261-6, 1993.
13. Davio P, Casagranda I, Moroni M, Porta C, Ratto C, Cosimi MF, Bobbio-Pallavicini E. Difficoltà diagnostiche in un caso di malattia di Behçet. Rec Progr Med 84: 850-4, 1993.
14. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G. Allopurinol mouthwashes in the treatment of 5-Fluorouracil-induced stomatitis. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT) 17: 246-7, 1994.
15. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G. Metachronous occurrence of seminoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the same patient with the late onset of colon cancer. J Intern Med 236: 1444-5, 1994.
16. Nastasi G, Porta C, Moroni M, Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Santagati G, Santagati C, Alessiani M. Nephrectomy as a component of systemic treatment for renal cell carcinoma patients. J Surg Oncol 56: 81-2, 1994 [Letter].
17. Moroni M, Tommaselli F, Casagranda I, Rizzi E, Porta C. Methimazole agranulocytosis treated with recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor. Rec Progr Med 86: 241, 1995.
18. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G. 5-fluorouracil combined with the pure l-stereoisomer of leucovorin calcium to treat advanced colon cancer patients: a phase-II study. Oncology Reports 2: 73-6, 1995.
19. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Barazzoni G. Utility of embolization or chemoembolization as second-line treatment in patients with advanced or recurrent colorectal carcinoma. Cancer 75: 2782-3, 1995.
20. Saporiti A, Brocchieri A, Porta C, Moroni M, Grignani G. Effect of different platelet agonists on intracellular free Ca++ concentrations in human tumor cells: possible role in tumor growth. Int J Cancer62: 291-6, 1995.
21. Nastasi G, Porta C, Moroni M, Riso S, Sesana G. Inadequacy of combined 5-fluorouracil, very-high-dose leucovorin, mitomycin-C and cisplatin as second-line therapy for advanced colon cancer. Oncology Reports2: 815-8, 1995.
22. Bobbio Pallavicini E, Valsecchi C, Tacconi F, Moroni M, Porta C. Sarcoidosis following beta-interferon therapy for multiple myeloma. Sarcoidosis 12: 140-2, 1995.
23. Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Arcangeli G. 5-Fluorouracil and d,l-leucovorin calcium are active to treat unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma patients: preliminary results of a phase II study. Oncology 52: 487-91, 1995.
24. Ricci G, Colombo C, Ghiazza B, Porta C, Moroni M, Illeni MT. HLA-A, B, C, DR and DQ expression and hepatocellular carcinoma: study of 205 Italian subjects. Cancer Letters 98: 121-5, 1995.
25. Poulakkainen P, Twardzik D, Ranchalis J, Moroni M, Mandeli J, Paciucci PA. Increase of plasma Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF) during immunotherapy with IL2. Cancer Investigation 13: 583-9, 1995.
26. Porta C, Moroni M, Epis O, Nastasi G. 5-methyltetra-hydrofolate or 5-formyltetrahydrofolic acid to modulate 5-fluorouracil’s cytotoxic activity in vivo? A phase II study in patients with advanced colon cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol38: 195-7, 1996.
27. Moroni M, Porta C, Gualtieri G, Nastasi G, Tinelli C. Inhaled sodium cromoglycate to treat cough in advanced lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer 74: 309-11, 1996
28. Porta C, Moroni M, Guallini P, Torri C, Marzatico F. Anti-oxidant enzymatic system and free radicals pathway in two different human cell lines. Anticancer Research 16: 2741-8, 1996.
29. Brocchieri A, Saporiti A, Moroni M, Porta C, Tua A, Grignani G. Verapamil inhibits to different extents agonist induced Ca++ transients in human tumor cells and "in vitro" tumor cell growth. Invasion and Metastasis 16: 56-64, 1996.
30. Nastasi G, Porta C, Moroni M, Alessiani M, Fossati G. Intrahepatic fluorodeoxyuridine to treat unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Oncology Reports 4: 511-4, 1997.
31. Bognoni V, Quartuccio A, Nastasi G, Riso S, Moroni M, Porta C. Endodermal sinus tumor of the ovary in pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature. Oncology Reports 4: 599-601, 1997.
32. Moroni M, Porta C, Gritti D, De Amici M, Giacobbe O, Bobbio-Pallavicini E. Cationic proteins-rich supernatants of cultured eosinophils from IL2-treated patients have no cytotoxic activity on human renal cell carcinoma and melanoma cells. A preliminary report. Ann N Y Acad Sci 832: 295-303, 1997.
33. Moroni M, Porta C, Finotti N, Borasio E, Greco R, Bertorelli L, Regazzi Bonora M, Marzatico F. Amifostine (WR-2721, EthyolTM) can protect human endothelial but not tumor cells from cisplatin-induced citotoxicity: an in vitro study. Oncology Reports 4: 729-32, 1997.
34. Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Porta C, Moroni M, Bertulezzi G, Civelli L, Pugliese P, Nastasi G. Epirubicin and etoposide combination chemotherapy to treat hepatocellular carcinoma patients. A phase-II study. Eur J Cancer 33: 1784-8, 1997.
35. Porta C, Moroni M, Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Tinelli C, Regazzi-Bonora M. Nitrate plasma level, as marker of nitric oxide production, after subcutaneous interleukin-2 immunotherapy (Letter). J Natl Cancer Inst  89: 1545, 1997.
36. Zanirato S, Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G. Jaw bone metastasis from hepatocellular  carcinoma. It J Gastroenterol Hepatol 29: 478-9, 1997.
37. Moroni M, Porta C. Possible efficacy of allopurinol vaginal washings in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced vaginitis. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 41: 171-2, 1998.
38. Alessiani M, Vai L, Jemos V, Dionigi P, Spada M, Porta C, Moroni M, Nastasi G, Fossati GS, Zonta A. Catheter seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma following placement of a total implantable access port system. Hepato-gastroenterology 45: 206-8, 1998.
39. Porta C, Moroni M, Ferrari S, Nastasi G. Endothelin-1 and 5-Fluorouracil-induced cardiotoxicity. Neoplasma 45: 81-2, 1998.
40. Diani G, Poma G, Novazzi F, Zanirato S, Porta C, Moroni M, Melzi d'Eril GV, Moratti R. Increased serum lipase with associated normoamylasemia in cancer patients. Clin Chem 44: 1043-5, 1998.
41. Porta C, Moroni M, De Amici M. Eosinophils and serum eosinophilic cationic proteins in Interleukin-2 based immunotherapy for cancer (Letter). Br J Haematol 100: 607-9, 1998.
42. Moroni M, Porta C, Tua A, Magnone S, Grignani G. Platelet agonists induce Ca2+ transients in tumor cells by opening distinct receptor-operated channels: an effect unrelated to the presence of classical multi-drug resistance phenotype. Cancer J 11: 141-6, 1998.
43. Porta C, Moroni M, Grignani G. Platelet agonists and calcium homeostasis in endothelial cells: possible role in the interaction of endothelium with Hemostatic system. Haematologica 83: 610-5, 1998.
44. Amadeo A, Bertulezzi G, Civelli L, Porta C, Moroni M. Plasma and urinary endothelin-1 toters and plasma von-Willebrand activity in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Haematologica 83: 952-3, 1998
45. Bobbio Pallavicini E, Cannatelli G, Motta E, Grassi M, Bergamaschi G, Rosso R, Moroni M. Histologic diagnosis and precocious treatment in a case of isolated promyelocytic sarcoma. Leukemia 12: 2035-6, 1998.
46. Ghigna C, Moroni M, Porta C, Riva S, Biamonti G. Altered expression of hnRNP proteins and SR factors in human colon adenocarcinomas. Cancer Res 58: 5818-24, 1998.
47. Moroni M, Porta C, Invernizzi R, Inzoli A, Bobbio Pallavicini F, Bobbio Pallavicini E. Tunel evidence of reduced bone marrow cells apoptosis in a refractory anemia patient treated with Amifostine. Br. J. Haematol. 104: 424-5, 1999.
48. Moroni M, Siena S, Santoro A. Terapia di salvataggio della malattia di Hodgkin. In Santoro A e Salvano L (eds): Il linfoma di Hodgkin - Nuovi orientamenti diagnostici e terapeutici. Piccin (Padova) 1999: 201-214.
49. Marzatico F, Porta C, Moroni M, Bertorelli L, Borasio E, Finotti N, Pansarasa O, Castagna L. In vitro antioxidant properties of amifostine. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 45: 172-6, 2000.
50. Moroni M, Porta C, De Amici M, Quaglini S, Cattabiani MA, Buzio C. Eosinophils and C4 predict clinical failure of combination immunotherapy with very low dose subcutaneous interleukin 2 and interferon in renal cell carcinoma patients. Haematologica 85: 298-303, 2000.
51. Bobbio-Pallavicini E, Tacconi F, Porta C, Brambilla G, Mainardi E, Bianchessi C, Moroni M. Cisplatin, mytomicin-C. 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin combination chemotherapy (I-FCM) in locally advanced unresectable and metastatic gastric carcinoma: a phase-II study. Oncol Rep 8: 167-71, 2000.
52. Porta C, Danova M, Orengo AM, Ferrini S, Moroni M, Gaggero A, Libener R, Betta PG, Ferrari S, Procopio A, Strizzi L, Mutti L. Interleukin-2 induces cell cycle perturbations leading to cell growth inhibition and death in malignant mesothelioma cells in vitro. J Cell Physiol 185: 126-34, 2000.
53. Moroni M, Veronese S, Schiavo R, Carminati O, Sorensen BS, Gambacorta M, Siena S. Epidermal growth factor receptor expression and activation in nonseminomatous germ cell tumors. Clin Cancer Res 7: 2770-5, 2001.
54. Rizzo V, Porta C, Moroni M, Scoglio E, Moratti R. Determination of free and total (free plus protein bound) melatonin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 774: 17-24, 2002.
55. Siena S, Artale S, Vanzulli A, Marrapese G, Bevilacqua L, Secondino S, Sironi O, Schiavo R, Moroni M, Pedrazzoli P. Therapeutic targeting of epidermal growth factor receptor with monoclonal antibodies. Tumori 1 (suppl.): S46-8, 2002.
56. Moroni M, Schiavo R, Siena S, Veronese S. Absence of c-kit and members of the epidermal growth factor receptor family in refractory germ cell cancer. Cancer 97: 2926-7, 2003 letter.
57. Moroni M, Giannetta L, Gelosa G, Secondino S, Chillura G, Colombo E, Siena S. Second-line chemotherapy with bleomycin, methotrexate and vinorelbina (BMV) for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head, neck esophagus (SCC-HN and E) pretreated with a cisplating containig regimen: a phase-II study. J Chemother 15: 394-9, 2003.
58.  Moroni M, Veronese S, Benvenuti S, Marrapese G, Sartore-Bianchi A, Di Nicolantonio F, Gambacorta M, Siena S, Bardelli A. Gene copy number for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and clinical response to antiEGFR treatment in colorectal cancer: a cohort study. Lancet Oncology 6: 279-86, 2005 (828 citazioni su riviste indicizzate).
59. Moroni M, Sartore-Bianchi A, Benvenuti S, Artale S, Bardelli A, Siena S. Somatic mutation of EGFR catalytic domain and treatment with gefitinib in colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 16: 1848-49, 2005 letter.
60. Comoli P, Pedrazzoli P, Maccario R, Basso S, Carminati O, Labirio M, Schiavo R, Secondino S, Frasson C, Perotti C, Moroni M, Locatelli F, Siena S. Cell therapy of stage IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma with autologous Epstein Barr virus-targeted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J Clin Oncol 23: 8942-9, 2005 (158 citazioni su riviste indicizzate).
61. Sartore-Bianchi A, Cerea G, Schiavetto I, Giannetta L, Ricotta R, Maugeri R, Moroni M, Marrapese G, Siena S. Anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 17 (suppl. 2): ii49-ii51, 2006.
62. Cerea G, Ricotta R, Schiavetto I, Maugeri MR, Sartore-Bianchi A, Moroni M, Artale S, Siena S. Cetuximab for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 17 (suppl. 7): vii66-vii67, 2006.
63.  Siena S, Artale S, Cerea G, Schiavetto I, Ricotta R, Maugeri R, Cipani T, Basilico V, Gambi V, Sartore Bianchi A, Moroni M. Monoclonal antibodies targeted to the epidermal growth factor receptor for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Supportive & Palliative Cancer Care 3 (suppl.): 69-71, 2006.
64. Benvenuti S, Sartore-Bianchi A, Di Nicolantonio F, Zanon C, Moroni M, Veronese S, Siena S, Bardelli A. Oncogenic activation of the RAS-RAF signaling pathway impairs the response of metastatic colorectal cancers to anti EGFR antibody therapies. Cancer Res 67: 2643-48, 2007 (587 citazioni su riviste indicizzate).
65. Sartore-Bianchi A, Moroni M, Veronese S, Carnaghi C, Bajetta E, Luppi G, Sobrero A, Barone C, Cascinu S, Colucci G, Cortesi E, Nichelatti M, Gambacorta M, Siena S. Epidermal growth factor receptor gene copy number and clinical outcome of metastatic colorectal cancer treated with panitumumab. J Clin Oncol 25: 3238-45, 2007 (242 citazioni su riviste indicizzate).
66. Moroni M, Veronese S, Sartore-Bianchi A, Artale S, Siena S. Controversial evaluation of EGFR protein and gene status in predicting response to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in metastatic colorectal cancer: a case report and review of the literature. Targeted Oncology 3:127-30, 2008.
67. Moroni M, Sartore-Bianchi A, Veronese S, Siena S. EGFR FISH in colorectal cancer: what is the current reality? Lancet Oncology 9: 402-3, 2008 (“Keynote Comment”).
68. Moroni M, Marrapese G, Veronese S. EGFR FISH analysis in colorectal cancer as a tool in selectinig patients for antiEGFR monoclonal antibodies therapy. Oncology Reviews 3: 187-93, 2009
69. Sartore Bianchi A, Fieuws S, Veronese S, Moroni M, Personeni N, FrattiniM, Torre V, Cappuzzo F, Vander Borght S, Martin V, Skokan M, Santoro A, Gambacorta M, Tejpar S, Varella-Garcia M, Siena S. Standardization of EGFR FISH in colorectal cancer: results of an international inter-laboratory reproducibility ring study. J Clin Path 65: 218-23, 2012.
70. Moroni M. High-dose chemotherapy as adjuvant therapy in breast cancer: Could there be a survival benefit? J Clin Oncol 30: 759, 2012 (letter).
71. Moroni M. Predictive value of loci in VEGF pathway genes in bevacizumab treatment. Lancet Oncology 13: 659-60, 2012..
72. Di Maio M, Leighl NB, Gallo C and TORCH investigators. Quality of life analysis of TORCH, a randomized trial testing first-line erlotinib followed by second-line cisplatin/gemcitabine chemotherapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol7:1830-44, 2012.
73. Ricotta R, Vanzulli A, Moroni M, Colnago B, Oriani M, Nichelatti M, Sarnataro C, Venturini F, Di Bella S, Maiolani M, Giganti MO, Sartore-Bianchi A, Siena S. Magnetic resonance imaging as early indicator of clinical outcome in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab or panitumumab. Clin Colorectal Cancer 12: 45-53, 2013.
74. De Monte A, Rossi F, Pandolfi C, Vinci M, Moroni M. Iponatriemia nelle linee guida della Rete Oncologica Lombarda. Tumori 100: S6, 2014.
75. De Giorgi U, Yuan J, Moroni M, Veronese S, Sartore Bianchi A, Broggini M, Rosti G, Strebhardt K, Ruffini PA. Germ cell tumors overexpress the candidate therapeutic target cyclin B1 independent of p53 function. International Journal of Biological Markers 30: e275-e281, 2015.
76.Moroni M, Stella M, Pedrazzoli P, Pirovano M, Bover E, Veronese S. c.428T>C (p.V143A) homozygous mutation in TP53 gene as a possible mechanism of resistance to trastuzumab therapy in gastric cancer. Acta Oncologica 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0284186X.20161196828.
77.Sobrero A, Lonardi S, Rosati G, Di Bartolomeo M, Ronzoni M, Pella N, Scartozzi M, Banzi M, Zampino MG, Pasini F, Marchetti P, Cantore M, Zaniboni A, Rimassa L, Ciuffreda L, Ferrari D, Zagonel V, Maiello E, Barni S, Rulli E, Labianca R, and TOSCA Investigators. FOLFOX or CAPOX in Stage II to III Colon Cancer: Efficacy Results of the Italian Three or Six Colon Adjuvant Trial. J Clin Oncol  2018 Apr 5:JCO2017762187. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.76.2187. [Epub ahead of print]
78. De Giorgi U, Carteni G, Giannarelli D, Basso U, Galli L, Cortesi E, Caserta C, Pignata S, Sabbatini R, Bearz A, Buti S, Lo Re G, Berruti A, Bracarda S, Cognetti F, Rastelli F, Fomarini G, Porta C, Turci C, Sternberg CN, Procopio G, Falcone A, Roila F, Cascinu S, Tirelli U, Giustini L, Sobrero A, Cappuzzo F, Tassinari D, Passalacqua R, Pazzola A, Surico G, Maio M Benedetti G, Barone C, Adamo V, Ricevuto E, De Censi A, Spada M, Tonini G, Pinto C, Giuffreda L, Ruggeri EM, Bengala C,Scotti V, Fagnani D, Bonetti A, Mitterer M, Castiglione F, Bidoli P, Ferraù F, Crinò L, Frassoldati A, Marchetti P, Mini E, Scoppola A, Verusio C, Favaretto A, Di Costanzo F, Fasola G, Merlano M, Artioli F, Di Leo A, Romito S, Maestri A, Giannitoo GC, Ionta MT, Verderame F, Zampa G, Numico G, Minelli M, Tagliaferri P, Foa P, Palmiotti P, De Placido S, Mattioli R, Iuliano F, Defraia E, Siena S, Clerico M, Salvagno L, Ceresoli GL, Bernardo A, Di Lieto M, Moroni M, Maisano M, Scartozzi M, Scagliotti G, Sorarù M, Pepe S, Scaltriti A, Gebbia V, Testa E, Lorusso V, Bordonaro R, De Signoribus G, Tedde N, Santoro A, Francini G, Aondio G (Italian Nivolumab Renal Cell Cancer Early Access Program Group).  Safety and efficacy of nivolumab for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: real-world results from an expanded access programme. BJU Int. 2018 Jun 29. doi: 10.1111/bju.14461. [Epub ahead of print]

dott. Mauro Moroni
